lundi 13 août 2012

Smart Guy Smoking by David Rousselle

Dans les entrailles de la ville by David Rousselle

David describes himself as a compulsive art photographer, always attentive to the permanent sight of his fellow citizens, never without his camera. Throughout his photographs, he wants to show the ordinary beauty of everydayday life. As an amateur, he likes to cite Elliott Erwitt's motto : "it's about time we started to take photography seriously and treat it as a hobby."

David se définit comme un photographe de rue compulsif, toujours attentif au spectacle permanent donné par ses contemporains, ne quittant jamais son appareil. A travers ses photographies, il cherche à montrer la beauté ordinaire du quotidien. Photographe amateur, il a fait sienne la devise d'Elliott Erwitt : "it's about time we started to take photography seriously and treat it as a hobby."

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